2025 Plans
AVI plans to expand our Ag in a Box program to an online platform in 2025 including several new courses and educational materials.
AVI’s commitment is to help start, operate, and sustain community agriculture programs that provide locally grown, healthy, and affordable produce.
If you have a question or a course suggestion please drop us a line at info@aginabox.org
How can we help you?
AVI’s programmatic activities seek to create subsistence agriculture through online workshops utilizing our new television studio and podcasts to deliver business and financial curricula. AVI focuses on increasing subsistence farming addressing food security and economic opportunities while changing the paradigm of the high cost of transportation of food.
Thank you to our sponsors that are
making our program a success in Rural Alaska
This material is based upon work supported by the
Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Award No. A0212501X443G028
This material is based upon work supported by the
National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
under Award No. 2022-70416-37147